with Vladimir Staicu & Elke Kalupar
To register write an mail: elke@akzeptanzmovement.com
Day 1: 8th Dec 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Day 2: 9th Dec 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
with 45 min lunchbreak
60€ early bird until 30.11.
90€ regular
Level: open to movers / dancers
About the workshop:
With Organic Interface we are exploring the possibilities and principles of moving
Practicing technical tools to communicate clear with and through the body.
Understanding physical principles of two or more bodies moving in space. Learning to
use momentum and timing instead of force to lift each other.
Exploring the change of possibilities through the number of bodies involved.
Part I: Individual Axis
Part II: Principles/Partner-Technique & Lifts
Part III: Group Work – One Organism
What you will get from this workshop:
– understand partnering and contact techniques
– creation tools and learn how to discover new ones
– explore group games to open up the senses
– disassociate body from mind and use it as an interface between your “self” and reality