Writing Juggling – Denis Paumier

A 5 day juggling workshop with Denis Paumier
10am – 5pm, 16 – 20 May, 2017

We will approach juggling through its mathematical notation: siteswap. By shuttling back and forth between theory and practise, allying movement and rhythm, body and props, we will develop a composition method for solo and group juggling. We will go through all stages from learning to performing.

Skills required: have a regular juggling practise. We will mainly work with balls but other props are welcome. Open to all.

Places: 12
Price – Early bird: 225€ On the door: 250€

For registration, contact workshops@katapult.berlin or use Paypal:
[nicepaypallite name=”Workshop registration – Denis Paumier” amount=”225.0″]

Denis Paumier
Denis Paumier is a juggler, director and teacher. He directs company Les Objets Volants, and since his first show in 1999 he experimented multiple approaches of juggling and object manipulation. His latest show, “Liaison Carbone“, created with his former students from Academie Fratellini, has been performed more than 100 times in France and abroad.

Denis will also give three lectures on Sunday 21 May:

  • Managing a juggling performance project
  • My history of juggling
  • Juggling acts analysis

For more information on lecture content and booking, contact dec@katapult.berlin

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