Results of Residency showing – 9 December, 7.30pm
In 2007 Lucas discovered juggling and it was love at first sight. He started his artistic trajectory studying in the Circus School Crescer e Viver and Angel Vianna Contemporary Dance School (Brazil). In 2013 he continued his formation at Le Lido (France) where he went deeper in his research with manipulation, the body and his artistic quality. In the same year he began to dance hip-hop as an autodidact and since then he uses the different axis (popping, locking, house, gliding, waving, krump) to enlarge his possibilities. His research touches different aspects and concepts in juggling which are used to create a personal logic and style, in which the body is present and the juggling is a method of communication.
On Friday evening, Lucas will make a small showing.
Workshop – 10/11 December 11am-4pm
“In this workshop I will teach different tools such as rhythm, space, research, composition, the relation body/juggling and improvisation in order to help people develop their own styles. The workshop will be based in exhaustion, so be ready to sweat.”
Level : Any
Objects: Any
Places: 15
Price – Early bird: 60€ On the door: 75€
For registration, contact or use Paypal:
[nicepaypallite name=”Workshop registration – Lucas” amount=”60.0″]