Handstand class

Handbalancing – with Léo
When: Tuesday
Time: 19:30-21:00
Katapult, Wilhelminenhofstraße 91, 12459 Berlin (Studio 1)

Handbalancing beginner/intermediate class
This class fits greatly for adults starting handstands from scratch or for experienced practitioners who want to make their technique more precise. This class will cover for everybody – a proper group warm up, active flexibility, strength exercise related to handstand, and individual feedback.

For beginner students – how to kick up, how to fall safely, the possible mental challenge, how to find & hold the right basic position, how to train alone, how to spot each other & endurance work.

For intermediate students, they can expect more variations on handstand shapes, transitions in between shapes, press (straddle, tuck, pike), bloc walk (weight shift), bloc up & down, croco & as well as endurance work. 

Drop-In: 17€
10er card: 150€

To sign up, please write an e-mail or contact Léo via instagram:

Instagram – umetricx
Phone – +49 1728965459

After class there will be a jam from 21:00-22:00. Everyone is invited to stay or only join for the jam. Participation in the jam is possible via Urban Sports or a 5€ contribution.

About the teacher

Léo is a queer non-binary french Canadian multidisciplinary artist. At first, they graduate from Collège de Rosemont, Montréal,  in 2021, where they studied in acupuncture therapy. Léo works mainly as a solo artist in Berlin, as a handbalancer & dance performer. They are moved and inspired by an approach that includes fragments of our contemporary reality, queer identity, humanity on scene, absurdity, visual art, the complex emotional realm of questioning, and a deep sense of belonging to being upside down.

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