Contact Poi with Bow (15.-17.09.2023)

3 days of contact poi with Bow

When: 15.-17.09.2023
Time: Friday 18:00-21:00
Saturday & Sunday 10:00-16:00 in Studio 1 
Where: Katapult, Wilhelminenhofstraße 91, 12459 Berlin

Poi juggling BowThis workshop is for beginners and intermediate spinners. 

In this workshop the students will build solid foundations for 1 and 2 poi spinning , as well as opening up to every styles of tricks possible with poi like throws , ball and rope manipulation , rolls etc.

This workshop gives all the keys to develop from the basics and build a personal style. 

Level required for the workshop: 
3 beat weaves and basic plane control 

Places: 16

Early bird: 115€ (until one month before the workshop)
Regular price: 135€

Sign up here: 

Contact Poi with Bow (15.-17.09.2023)


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