Two days of flow juggling & object manipulation with Damien Boisbouvier
20-21 June, 2020
Wilhelminenhofstr 91, 12459 Berlin
Kúklos is Cycle. Kúklos is Circle. Kúklos is any circular movement; or object, such as a wheel, a ring, a sphere, a globe. It is also a marketplace, a crowd of people.
Rhuthmós is Rhythm. Rhuthmós comes from Flow. Rhuthmós is any measured movement; repeating, regular motion, such as a vibration. It is proportion, it is symmetry, it is arrangement, it is order. It is also state, condition; form, shape; fashion, manner.
By using those two focal points as guiding principles, this workshop aims to explore and to discover together some ways to better encompass them within our own practice of juggling & object manipulation.
Given those circumstances, we will intent to have an “orb-weaver » spiral approach into a mazing web, so that everyone make its own silk path at its own pace.
We would then progress eccentrically (of course), and sweep at 360° through parts of several radiant threads:
– From Body to Objects: First Referentials
– Manipulations: Swinging & Contacts
– Trochoïdal Motions: Cycles of circles
– Orbital Throws: Senses of Rotation
– Weaving Arms: Mills & Messes
– Actions Qualities: Flow & Form
– Juggling Patterns: States & Transitions
– Composing Rhythms: Periods & Agitations Levels
– From Plane to Space: Revolutions
– From Self to Swarm: Interactions
– SiteSwap & SpiNote Notation System (S3N2)
Minimum entry level : 3 objects cascade. Even if my own practice is mostly turned towards clubs; balls, rings, hoops and all objects having at least one rotational symmetry are strongly welcomed.
Places: 15
Times: Saturday and Sunday: 09.30h-18.00h (30 min warm-up & breaks included)
Price: Early bird: 60€ – Regular price: 75€
Early bird price – until 1 month before the workshop
For registration by bank transfer, please visit the registration page or use Paypal below:
[nicepaypallite name=”Flow Juggling – Damien Boisbouvier” amount=”60.0″]
Damien Boisbouvier
Circa 2000, Damien started to juggle, and it remains until today the one and only “serious hobby” that he keeps practising. Atypic alchemist, he enjoys the roundabouts between arts & sciences, always seeking a certain unity, through transdisciplinarity, beyond the different aspects of reality. As a get around to circus schools, he had the opportunity to attend workshops, given by Johann Le Guillerm, Sean Gandini, Denis Paumier, Ben Richter, Mikel Ayala & Nikanor de Elia, among others, as a gnome on the shoulders of giants.
In re-turn, Damien teaches back, from time to time, the integration of those trainings into the web of weavings built from his own researches, studies and practices. Now, after several stage trials at the occasion of some collective laboratories, he is working on the encirclement of artistic statements and on the elaboration of creation processes in order to design a first opus.