Three days of partner acrobatics with Roxy Kühn and Amir ‘Moody’ Modaï
7-9 December, 2018
Wilhelminenhofestr 91, 12459 Berlin
Practicing Partner- Acro can be fun, uplifting, playful and safe! Still, many times we get frustrated, injured, tire quickly or work in ways which contribute little to our progress.
In this workshop, we will work with each student/ couple in their own level and rhythm and concentrate, on top of learning new skills and tricks (our main focal point will be Hand to Hand, according to level also its variations), on how to create a healthy and efficient training routine. This routine can facilitate our progress and enable us to quantify it, so we can make it visible that we ARE making progress. We will go through Warm Up, Handstand training (essential for Partner- Acro), The body of the training and Cool Down.
Taking the figures the student already trains, partially perfumes or even masters fully we will look for exercises and play with the form in order to expand our range of motion. The expanded range of motion stabilises and solidifies the skill, gives the possibility to combine it in a “flow” and allows finding the ease and comfort in each figure and in the practice.
With each student, we will look for the weak points and start creating a warm up and a training routine to address these points precisely.
In order to work as a team, it is important to know the other person/ people’s point of view and challenges. We will play with switching roles: We will warm up in groups (flyers/ bases), each student taking the role he/ she is less experienced in, after which the “bases” will get to fly and the “flyers” will get to base , not only for the tricks, also for the spirit.
Throughout the workshop we will learn how to spot more easily and efficiently, in a way that allows learning, and most important: Safely.
Places: 16
Level: Intermediate
Times: Friday: 18.00-21.00h Weekend: exact times tbc – 6hrs Saturday, 3-4 hrs Sunday
Price – Early bird: 75€ On the door: 90€
For registration by bank transfer, please visit the registration page or use Paypal below:
[nicepaypallite name=”Workshop registration – Effortless Flight” amount=”75.0″]