3 x 1h hoop workshops with Albinoplant and ThatHoopGuy.
When: 14.10.2023
Time: Friday 13:00-16:30, Studio 2
Where: Katapult, Wilhelminenhofstraße 91, 12459 Berlin
When: 14.10.2023
Time: Friday 13:00-16:30, Studio 2
Where: Katapult, Wilhelminenhofstraße 91, 12459 Berlin
Albinoplant (Melissa) and ThatHoopGuy (Mike) will be traveling through Berlin after SWhoop and we will be teaching a few workshops while in Berlin at Katapult!
We are really excited to teach and explore Berlin and hoop with everyone.
We will be teaching 3, one hour workshops.
One workshop: €25
Two Workshops: €45
All three workshops: €65
Send money with a note to reserve your spot to PayPal at mhayataka@gmail.com
13:00 – 14:00 Workshop 1, ThatHoopGuy:
Hoop Balance – All-Levels
Mike has been obsessed with hoop balance for the last 8 years and this class is an opportunity to share all he’s learned. Designed to give beginners the basic exercises to practice, and to give experienced balancers new ideas, this balance class is great for all levels. We will be learning techniques from the hand and finger-tip balances to the butterfly. If you seek calmness mixed with constant concentration in your practice, come balance some hoops with us!
14:15 – 15:15 Workshop 2, Albinoplant:
Not Goddess Machine – All Levels
In this workshop, we will first dissect the goddess machine to understand the basic fundamental concepts. From there, we will learn smearing and folding variations that bring the hoops from one side to the other, snapping into the same grid positions as the standard goddess machine.
15:30- 16:30 Workshop 3, ThatHoppGuy:
Contact Hooping – All Levels
In this class we will learn to move our hoops without grabbing them with our hand. Similar to contact staff, we will use the back of our hands, wrists, and forearms to manipulate the hoop. This will be really new to most hoopers and will introduce a new way to approach the hoop.

An engineer by day and flow artist by night, Melissa takes a scientific approach to hoop tech to concoct mind-melting manipulations. Her enthusiasm for teaching has led her to instruct more than 50 hoop workshops on completely different material. She has also performed and created choreography for The Hoop Unit, the Electric Forest Hoop Troupe, and The Firemingos. Apart from her hoop journey, Melissa also has a strong passion for sewing, cosplay, and petting her cute kitty!

Mike has been hooping for over 12 years and in that time has fallen in love with hooping and teaching object manipulation skills. With his unique style and liquid flow he’s taking his over 9 years of teaching experience to the flow community. His analytical teaching style informs intuitive, hard to explain concepts, through single technique-based breakdowns. With a successful international and domestic workshop portfolio he has taught at over 60 flow and hoop events over the last 8 years. His time in the flow community has allowed him to grow as a person and learn a lot about himself and how to keep people safe and better the community. He’s excited to bring these lessons about life and flow to you.