Object Manipulation, Movement and Existence

Three days of manipulation and movement with Joseph Viatte
6pm-9pm Friday, 10am-4pm Saturday/Sunday, 2-4 March, 2018

In this workshop, we might:

-Explore the fundamentals of graphic object manipulation and apply them irresponsibly to any object (ball, stick, chair, car, dust, the city of Berlin, etc)
-Come closer to our sensory moment-to-moment experience.
-Widen the scope of what we deem worthy of fascination.
-Explore our human bodies: mechanical notions of precision, minimal effort, control,… and less mechanical (but still physical) notions of receptivity, curiosity, authenticity…
-Find great enjoyment in correctly acquiring technique.
-Find great enjoyment in throwing it out the window.
-Drink water slowly.
-Learn how to make a shoe fly.
-Notice our existence.

I’ve always loved looking for what is in common between seemingly separate things. How deep must I go to find something essential enough that it unites them? The more I pay attention to the essence of things, and physically acknowledge it, the smoother I live, because while things come and go, the essence remains… What is in common with all of existence? What is there nothing else than? This workshop was built from this love for what’s fundamental, be it in a technique or in life in general, and a deep respect for what is true on the first step and remains true up until the eleven millionth (maybe even further, I don’t know yet). Therefore people of all technical levels and also non-jugglers will, I believe, find joy in it.

Please bring a ball and a stick.
Ball: any ball that stays spherical in your hand (no beanbags). Ideally between the size of a tennis ball and a grapefruit, and between the weight of a tennis ball and a grapefruit. A tennis ball is ok, please no grapefruits. Stage balls for example are great.
Stick: any straight line of an object between 30 cm and 1 meter of length (plastic tube, broomstick, metal rod,…)

If you’re a juggler or an object manipulator, bring your objects.

Level: Open to all
Places: 16
Price – Early bird: 150€ On the door: 175€

Early-bird deadline: January 31st

For registration by bank transfer, please visit the registration page or use Paypal below:
[nicepaypallite name=”Workshop registration – Joseph” amount=”150.0″]

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