Three days of acrobatics and handstand with Winston Reynolds and Verena Schneider
8-10 March, 2019
Wilhelminenhofstr 91, 12459 Berlin
A collaborative workshop – Looking at the interrelation of acrobatics and un-fixed handstand practice.
Winston Reynolds – Acrobatics
There is a certain sensitivity in acrobatics behind all the larger movements. It’s a tool where the smallest adjustment (Micro) can make a big impact on the physical outcome. A look into Winston’s personal vocabulary and system of individual acrobatic practice, and the methodology of using acrodance as a vehicle to expand possible movement choices and directions.
We will be learning about the preparation and maintenance of the acrobat. And start zooming into specific aspects of acrobatics and locomotion.
Another aspect we will use is the partner, and how a partnering situation can help to boost or access our learning process. Using the other as a reference point or means of physical assistance we can try to touch upon unfamiliar planes and levels of movement choices.
Verena Schneider – Handstand
We will pass through technical and creative handstand training into movement and improvisation. Trying to find the movement and balance in between. To make the handstand more moved and the movement more balanced.
All the training is on the floor (no blocks or handstand canes).
Technical handstand approach (Pascal Angelier) and influenced by dancers such as Tomislav English // Ferus Animi and Rob Haeyden.
Celebrate the failure in the improvisation. How can we accept that our handstand and movement are not always the same, the wished perfection of training becomes a trap for the performance.
Performative training.
Regarding the questions how and why do I train and create, the workshop will be physically demanding and with an attention on endurance and awareness training.
Places: 26
Times: Friday: 18.00-22.00h, Saturday: 11.00-18.00h, Sunday: 10.00-18.00h
Price – Early bird: 120€ Regular price: 135€
On the door: 150€
For registration by bank transfer, please visit the registration page or use Paypal below:
[nicepaypallite name=”Workshop registration – The Acrobat in Flux” amount=”120.0″]