Three days exploring physical qualities and finding the unity between body, ball and stage, with Van-Kim Tran
6pm-9pm Friday, 10am-4pm Saturday/Sunday, 4-6 May 2018
Chose your habits!
Sometimes, we do things and we know why. Most of the time, we do things and we are not even aware of it. Through practice and experiments, we will find an efficient and harmonious contact juggling.
In this workshop, we will explore different topics:
Find your method – build a stable juggling and practice with joy
Understand the mechanics – master the speed and trajectory of a roll
Trust your juggling – perpetually feel that juggling is easy
Enhance your awareness – get higher definition sensations at every moments
Develop your presence – turn juggling tricks into performance
This base will give us the confidence to explore body qualities and find the unity between the body, the ball and the stage.
Level: Open to all
Places: 16
Price – Early bird: 125€ On the door: 150€
For registration by bank transfer, please visit the registration page or use Paypal below:
[nicepaypallite name=”Workshop registration – VanKim” amount=”125.0″]