6-10 JUNE 2016. 10am – 4pm
“The first object the juggler needs to understand deeply is the body. If we develop our understanding of how the body works and how it ‘wants to move’ then we can find a more harmonious relationship to the objects that live outside us. As every body is different, this approach helps us to find our very own way of doing things.”
In this workshop we will move, explore, create and perform inside a dynamic relationship between the body, the objects and the space around us. We will develop sensitivity and clarity in following the impulses that the objects give us, whilst also learning to listen to what our bodies want to do. We will learn about using our weight, following what is leading and how to create sequences using these principles. The mornings will be 3 hours of very physical work followed by creation and performance in the afternoons. We will also explore simple physical techniques for creating subtle characters that are true to the technique of the body and the objects. The goal of the workshop is for each participant to leave with new material that he/she can work with and develop further. All levels of experience are welcome.
Artistraum – KuBiz, Bernkastelerstraße 78, 13088 Berlin-Weißensee
Places: 15
Price – Early bird: 200€ On the door: 250€
For registration, contact oli@katapultberlin.com or use Paypal:
[nicepaypallite name=”Workshop registration – Ben Richter” amount=”200.0″]
Ben Richter has been juggling, dancing, teaching and performing for over 26 years. In this time he has deeply explored many somatic practices and dance techniques including Feldenkreis, Alexander, Yoga, Shiatsu, Klein technique, Body-Mind Centering, various forms of contemporary dance, contact improvisation and clowning. Over the last 12 years he has been a regular guest teacher at the University of Circus and Dance in Stockholm (DOCH) where he has coached some of the world’s most creative and inspiring jugglers as well as countless artists from other circus disciplines. Ben was an original member of Gandini Juggling in 1993 and still works with them today as a guest performer in the show “Smashed”. He has toured with Cirkus Cirkör in Sweden and performed solo and in many different companies worldwide. He was also a member of the Manipulation Research Laboratory together with Jay Gilligan, Luke Wilson and Erik Åberg. Ben co-directed the latest piece by award winning Danish contemporary circus company “Rapid Eye” and recently directed the first full length piece by German company “Spot The Drop.” He lives in Berlin.
Photo credit: Misaki Fukuda