5 Days of Juggling with Morgan Cosquer
24 – 28 October 2016
Approach the juggling as a way of expression; develop and enrich this language.
The purpose of this workshop is to arm oneself with tools, to go forward with one’s own research. To build oneself a method, have fun, catch oneself, confront with regard to the other.
Develop the personal character of one’s juggling, to shape it as a language, by giving all the attention necessary for the choice of the vocabulary, the rhythm, the writing, associate closely the spirit, the body and the objects. Look for the obvious, for the logic, which unites the three.
Level : intermediate and above
Any Objects.
Places: 15
Price – Early bird: 225€ On the door: 250€
For registration, contact oli@katapultberlin.com or use Paypal:
[nicepaypallite name=”Workshop registration – Morgan” amount=”225.0″]
Some videos of Morgan:
29th Edition – Cirque de Demain
Bram Dobbelaere Video Challenge