Writing Juggling – Denis Paumier

A 5 day juggling workshop with Denis Paumier
10am – 5pm, 16 – 20 May, 2017

We will approach juggling through its mathematical notation: siteswap. By shuttling back and forth between theory and practise, allying movement and rhythm, body and props, we will develop a composition method for solo and group juggling. We will go through all stages from learning to performing. Continue reading “Writing Juggling – Denis Paumier”

From Mood to Mode – Physical comedy with Joanna Bassi

3 Day clowning and physical comedy workshop with Joanna Bassi
10am – 5pm, March 31st – April 2nd

“We can all be funny once – it’s the second time that counts.”
Joanna Bassi

The work focuses on character development, personality and presence enhancement especially for circus and street artists, whether they interact with the public or not. Continue reading “From Mood to Mode – Physical comedy with Joanna Bassi”

Matthias Romir – February 3 – 5, 2017

After an immensely popular workshop in 2016, Matthias Romir is back!

Expressive Juggling Workshop
Discover the potential of catching and throwing as a powerful individual artistic language. The workshop is open to anyone working with any kind of props, but willing to spend some time with clubs and balls. We will look at different techniques with clubs and balls and we will transfer what we achieve to the participants’ favourite props and to their own work. Continue reading “Matthias Romir – February 3 – 5, 2017”

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