Your creative space 9.0 with Anna-Katharina Andrees
When: 19. & 20.10.2024
Times: 10:00 – 17:00 (1h midday break)
Where: Katapult, Wilhelminenhofstraße 91, 12459 Berlin (Studios 1 & 2)
Teachers: Anna-Katharina Andrees
You should feel a flow of joy because you are alive.
Your body will feel full of life. That is what you must
give from stage. Your life. No less. That is art: to give all you have. And what have you? Your life – nothing
more. And to give life means to feel life throughout your whole being.
The workshop offers tools to develop, experience and reproduce emotions through movement and imagination. You will learn techniques to convey your content to the audience and be alive and in the experience in every moment. The work with body and mind connection offers tools to reveal ideas, transmit thoughts and get a concrete understanding of the action.
The workshop will introduce the Michael Chekhov acting technique, which is a unique way of working with inner space and artistic being. The basics of the technique, such as the psycho- physical training, work with atmosphere, space, awareness emotions and feelings will be taught.
A.-K. teaches mainly through movement, improvisation and develops solo moments and instant composition with the group. This workshop is open to all levels and disciplines. Participants are welcome to bring objects.

Anna-Katharina has been in touch with the Acting Technique of Michael Chekhov since 20 years. As a long term researcher and director, Anna-Katharina has evolved the technique for the use in contemporary circus. She is interested in what lies behind the obvious. Her approach is very individual. She works with the whole group, but pays attention to each individual and responds to individual needs and wishes. Anna-Katharina supports performers to find images and tools to feel free and creative on stage and to enjoy with a feeling of ease their own creation.
More Infos: www.anna-katharina
132€ Early Bird (until 1 month prior to the workshop)
156€ regular
168€ at the door
Workshop language: English (individual comments/instructions in German also possible).